Transparency is the key to everything, right?
While I focus on what works in personal relationships, my husband is focusing more on the political and business relationships.
At the end of the day, as I see it, everything is some kind of relationship. In politics it's the governing body with us citizens. What kind of relationship is it if we were to put it in terms of a personal relationship? A very abusive one, where the governing body keeps the rest in the dark and keeps gaslighting us because "the truth would cause too much panic and normal people wouldn't be able to handle it".
Of course I think that's bullshit and so does my husband. He also has a couple of great ideas how to keep things transparent, especially when it comes to money. So I think he would love your article.
Now in our home it's simple. My husband and I we tell each other on a daily basis what we've spent, what we've earned and every now and then we see each other accounts. At this point I know I don't have to verify any longer what he tells me because we've built iron clad trust - BY BEING TRANSPARENT.
Simple, right?
Am I afraid that one day he will do something stupid and not tell me about an investment or expense, say out of the desire to protect me?
No, I'm not, I don't have to be. It's written in our contract that A) if he ever gets us in financial trouble because he didn't tell about an expense bigger than the agreed amount, I can walk out of the relationship and B) it also says that he (nor I) is allowed to omit the (scary) truth in order to protect the other, because while for example he would think he's protecting me, he takes away from me the chance to be able to actually help.
It's so arrogant of anyone to think that the person opposite wouldn't be able to handle the truth. That states that we think the other person is weak. Or it says about us that we think we are somehow better, stronger and the only ones able to be martyrs...
And in the end, my husband can NEVER really know how I would react to certain news. Most of the time we are simply wrong in our assumption how others would react.
The thing that actually stops us from sharing news is OUR own fear of the reaction we will get. Which actually tells us we are WEAK, not strong in not telling our loved ones the truth.
That's just how I think.
But we can all agree, transparency is key to trust and trust is key to a healthy relationship.
If we can agree on that, then why on earth are we agreeing to the abusive relationship with our governments and our employers most of the time?
Because thus far everything depended on the human element, whether or not someone chose to tell you the truth.
But with technology, blockchain and so forth, there is a chance, a very good chance, of preventing anyone to lie ever again, especially in big systems such as a country.
I know countries like the USA, which are built on pure capitalism and is practically the only history they have to be proud of, will struggle to let go of certain concepts and won't be willing to re-structure.
Which would help also our agriculture and so on.
But rethinking and restructuring our systems and our relationships will be key to a better future because actually it's within our grasp.
The next decade, with the advancement of technology on top of it and how we will manage to use it (and not abuse it), will determine in which direction our future will go -
Mad Max or Star Trek...?