Media and how to read them...
In any case, I like your article and you've touched just the tip of a very nasty iceberg, Catherine.
We love tearing other people down and the media... The media has become one big tabloid, would you agree? Before, ridiculous accusations and observations were a thing of tabloids. They must be out of business by now because the general media is ridiculous enough already, right? LOL. Reading anything in the media these days for me and my husband is an exercise about reading between the lines.
What happened with Meghan and Harry, the interview with Oprah itself, finally shed a light on the British Royal Family as it should. The Royals in the UK are out of place, out of order and apparently generally not that wanted any longer. When the Queen's husband just died, people complained more about the constant coverage of the funeral, than they did about BLM. Fact.
And I'm a bit surprised that this fact was published at all, because it really doesn't help the Royals to keep a foot in this country. In fact...another news: they published how the Royals have influenced over 200 laws here in Great Britain just in the last couple of years- and it was said, that "the Queen has NOTHING to do with decisions in this country, no power whatsoever!!".
And now people are surprised that the Royals had plenty of power all along as it seems?
Why? No one is surprised when the Prime Minister goes to court to speak about a certain problem like Brexit and such. Why would he even go to the Royals if their opinion doesn't count?
Of course it counts, it always has. What I'm trying to show is that we have to interpret so called "news" in a new way, look at facts, and not the opinion of the media.
Slanting others, condemning them, that's easy, a cheap technique. And it seems to work in order to sway our opinions. But luckily it works only for so long.
A poll, asking the British if there should be a new King after the Queen dies, showed that over 50% didn't see it necessary any longer. That is unheard of. The British have always been protective of their Royal family.
So what changed?
Did you know that last Christmas it was the first time ever that the Queen didn't make a Christmas speech?
Why? Because no matter what she would say in these difficult Covid/Brexit times, she would have to betray someone. She would either be exposed as a traitor to the people, if she defended the lying and irresponsible government. Or the government would resent her, if she made any kind of promise to the people. And she knew full well that she can't make any promises right now without admitting that she has far more power in this country than we ever assumed.
So in the end she was a coward and said nothing. To me, that spoke volumes. It was proof enough why Harry and Meghan had to leave - because being part of that Royal House must be like living in one big fat lie every day, constantly scrutinised for every little thing and punished for not appearing perfect. And how could Meghan ever appear perfect, she was an actress and she was mixed raced. They blatantly used her at the time, allowing Harry to marry her, only because their own popularity was dwindling and they knew it.
The only healthy thing for Meghan and Harry was to leave. They didn't "quit" anything. They got out of the hornet's nest, hopefully in time, that's all. If they weren't running for their lives, I can imagine they were running for their sanity and health.
Look, usually I don't give a damn about celebrities (even though I thought Meghan was super cute and talented in 'Suits'). But this is not just about celebrities. This is about uncovering how our society is built.
The media was trying to make out of it a family drama.
They had to, because the actual big headline was: "No one cares about the Royals any longer. In fact, why does the UK need them at all? Maybe we should have a look at the structure of this dinosaur country, shall we?"
Every time the media is loud about something, anything, I look in the opposite direction or behind those curtains, to see what's going on there. What are they trying to distract us from THIS TIME? That's the question. What is it they don't want us to think about? The blatant fact how racist this country is?
Wanna hear something funny? The UK published an article just the other week about how they found out that the people in the UK are the most tolerant people in the world. LOL. We all laughed. What has media become? A ridiculous tool of the politicians.
What scares me is that too many people don't realise it and still simply gobble up whatever they see on TV, whatever is being said. It's just as bad in the US as it is in the UK.
So what do I think of Biden? (What the US does, hugely influences the UK and the rest of the world, so it matters. Oh, yes, we are watching the US but struggle to get real info from there.)
Biden talks a good talk. I will believe it only when I see facts, when I see his country reformed as he claims he wants to do.
Yes, we all need hope and that's the problem. For a little hope we are ready to sign over the next four to eight years to the next politician who in the end does nothing but further destroy our lives. So far, the only who actually did something, is Obama with Obama Care.
So far I haven't seen Biden and his following do one single thing really right. Trump had to suffer no consequences. His followers (some of them) who stormed the Capitol might have ended in prison, but we all know if those followers were not white, they would have been shot on the spot.
And we have yet to see if the police who are responsible for the death of George Floyd or any other black person who was wrongfully killed, will be prosecuted and punished. Or maybe I missed something, as I said, we hardly get any proper info about the US.
It's like with any relationship you enter into: don't look at what he or she says - look at what that new person DOES.
Fuck hope. The need for hope is what screws us in the end.
The only thing that counts is actions. Just like when you were a kid - if your mommy or daddy promised but didn't deliver, how did that make you feel...? ;)
It sucked, didn't it? To this day you can't get over the feeling of betrayal and abandonment.
Our government is one big (bad) parent...