I absolutely agree on that:)
I'm so glad you've discovered Matthew Hussey!
The only thing I don't care about when it comes to advice, is about texting and what to text. I know this is the world now but I'm old school and you're either talking to me very soon and not playing text games, or be gone, LOL. It worked in the end. But that's just me.
Have you seen this video of his? It's my favourite and such a great comic effort!!
If you type in YouTube
"Matthew Hussey mpi guy", the video that you need to watch is the one with the title:
Warning: This Toxic Guy Will Waste Your Life (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy). Here is the link but I included the description for those who are careful not to follow just any link:).
Have fun with it!
You know what helped me most? His advice on how to be more honest AND ruthless because I would always be far too nice and polite to any guy who hardly made an effort or was trying to emotionally blackmail me.
It would be here:
It's called
"Do THIS to Get Your Mr. Right 6X Faster... (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)"
And start watching 3 min into the video, that's when he actually starts on the topic. But the first three minutes are funny as always, too.